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The 22 List – Ideas to Reboot your Goals and Workouts BEFORE the New Year

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The 22 List – Ideas to Reboot your Goals and Workouts BEFORE the New Year

We’re impatient to get started on the New Year. So let’s not wait until January to take stock and retune resolutions for fitness, workouts and living healthy. Check out the 22 List – the must do’s, tips, tricks and suggestions to focus on from our Farrell’s trainers to help 2022 kick ass.


Get up and get going. If your typical schedule is three times a week at the gym, try four or five for a month. You’ll notice the difference in fitness and endurance within a few weeks.


Start a training journal. Sure, there’s an app for everything. But starting a journal and logging your successes, thoughts and goals for fitness can make you incredibly self-aware, keep you on track and help you see how far you’ve come at the end of the year. Pick up a pen and get writing.


Make achievable goals. Goals should be measurable. Don’t say get healthier—say “lose 10 pounds in the next six months” or “take ten specialist classes this year”. If you’re specific, it’s so much easier to see what you achieved, or where you missed the mark.


Veg out. Commit to getting the suggested five to eight servings of fruits and vegetables every single day! It’s not easy but it’s worthwhile to get the phytonutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals that can really positively impact your health, energy and mood. Smoothies are an excellent way to pack a lot of fruits and even some veggies into an easy serving. Add a crunchy vegetable-rich salad with every meal as a side, and keep fresh veggies chopped in the fridge to make healthy snacking easy and fast.


Workout even when you’re not. Sneak in extra exercise at your desk or workstation for better posture, a stronger core and overall strength. Use a balance ball instead of a chair. Take a resistance band break every 20 minutes and do some simple stretching.


Kick Sugar. Experts say in the future, we’ll look back and realize how toxic sugar is for the body. Research and start a program to carefully reduce sugar (especially refined or added) in your diet. It causes inflammation, stress, and can contribute to advanced aging and a myriad of negative health impacts.


Drink Up. Nothing is more important than proper hydration. For a daily 2,000-calorie intake, a person should be consuming around 68oz of fluids. That’s eight standard drinking glasses. Don’t forget coffee, tea and unsweetened drinks all count towards the goal.


Remember to Rest. All athletes know that proper rest is critical. Take at least one day a week to rest your body and repair tired muscles. Combine that with a minimum of eight hours sleep every night and tackle every workout with full energy.


Get in a Groove. Fitness loves a schedule. Commit to four days a week, same general time every day, even if it varies between classes, workouts or training sessions on each day. Frequency and consistent activity equal success.


Prioritize wellness. Before you can work on your physical body, first you have to take care of your mind. Take time to relax and unwind at the end of each day—use a meditation app to shed any unwanted thoughts or feelings, and start tomorrow refreshed and level-minded.


Get a Boxing Buddy. Connect with another club member in your class or training session and discuss ways to work out together, to keep each other on track and focused on your goals. Whether it’s company or competition, working out with a friend can be fun and extremely motivating.


Cross train! This should be an absolute goal. Many of us do what we love and focus on that. But day after day, week after week of the same activity or workout can lead to overuse injury and burnout. Talk with a trainer about complementary activities that can build strength and help you in your kickboxing goals.


Dial down intensity. Don’t go all out every time. HIIT workouts build cardio fitness and burn calories, but dialing down and doing slower paced exercises too have their benefits: fat store utilization, lowering blood pressure and overall stress reduction.


Take the challenge. Watch this space for in-club, all-member challenges, or find a challenge online. It’s a fun diversion, great goal and an easy way to pack more workouts into your week.


Beat the Booze. One in six Americans are trying to cut their alcohol intake after the stresses and expenditures of 2020. A glass of wine has around 150 calories. A couple of glasses three or four times a week doesn’t sound like much, but add a beer here and there and a post-work happy hour cocktail and quickly the empty calories start to pile up. Try a one drink limit. The health benefits of a single glass of red wine a day are well-documented.


Run a Road Race. Whether it’s a 5k, 10k or a full marathon, the discipline, consistency and experience of training for a race can be a great addition to any regular club-based workout week.


Train for Technique. A lot of exercise is about intensity, speed and power. Take a month to really focus on technique. Work with your instructor to make sure every execution is textbook. Do things well and repeat often.


Be the posture police. The little things add up. Slouched shoulders, slumped seating position at your desk and poor ergonomics on the phone, computer or equipment you use often can stress your joints and the body, all of which impacts your workout wellness. Be body-aware and correct these little things as they happen to achieve a big return in the long-run.


Try something new. Sometimes it’s easy to hit a rut and stay there. Learning a new activity—skiing, Pilates, yoga or anything that taxes different muscle groups as well as our mental capacity—can bring a new perspective and energy to your regular workout regimen and routine


Get outside. Whether it’s an outdoor run, a speed walk, or just a leisurely neighborhood stroll, sunshine-induced vitamin D does miracles for blowing away the cobwebs from too much time indoors. It’s crucial for mental health and wellbeing, so make it a priority every time you’re not at the club in 2022.


Cut yourself some slack. If you don’t get to all of this, or even half, give yourself a break. Keep moving ahead with a positive attitude and you’ll meet your fitness and workout goals at your pace.

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